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Our matcha farmers

Welcome to ChottoMatcha, where we bring the authentic taste of Japan's finest matcha to the heart of the Philippines. As passionate advocates of Japanese culture and traditions, we are committed to preserving Japan's traditional crafts and food culture in a way that connects them to the world.

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Approximately 20-30 days before harvest, the tea plants are covered with shade cloth or bamboo to reduce exposure to sunlight. This stimulates the growth of tender leaves with increased chlorophyll and amino acid content, resulting in a vibrant green color and rich flavor.



Only the youngest, most tender leaves from the shaded tea plants are picked by hand. Typically, the top two to three leaves and the bud are harvested, ensuring the highest quality for matcha production.

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The freshly harvested leaves are immediately steamed to halt oxidation. This process helps retain the vibrant green color and preserves the nutritional content of the tea leaves.



After steaming, the leaves undergo a drying process to remove moisture. Traditionally, this is done using a rotating drum dryer or by air drying. The goal is to reduce the moisture content while preserving the flavor and aroma of the tea leaves



Destemming and Grinding

The dried leaves, known as tencha, go through a destemming process to remove the veins and stems. The remaining leaves are then stone-ground into a fine powder using granite mills. This grinding process can take several hours to achieve the desired texture and particle size.



The freshly ground matcha powder is carefully packaged to preserve its freshness, flavor, and vibrant green color. It is often stored in airtight containers to protect it from light, heat, and moisture.

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